Bank of Scotland is part of the same group which includes Lloyds Bank and Halifax. The data shown here is a combination of these three brands. We've put together somefurther guidanceto help with any questions you may have. Banking is better with our app ...
For existing One Account customers, it's business as usual and you'll find what you need here including access to your online banking at the link above. Contacting the Royal Bank One Account team By post By phone If you're looking for something different ...
The Bank of Scotland was the first bank to offer a service to Nottingham Building Society customers that later became the basis ofonline bankingas we know it today. This service was called "homelink", which enabled customers to send transfers and pay bills using a television and the telephone...
Manage your money online You can use our tailored online banking service to access your account and manage your day-to-day banking needs or contact our team in the usual way for support with mortgage specific enquiries. One Account Online Banking One Account mortgages are no longer available...
Bank of Scotland plc is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority under registration number 169628. Mobile Banking app: Our app is available to online banking customers with a UK personal account and valid...
Bank of Scotland Share Dealing IWeb Share Dealing For example, if you held an account with Lloyds Bank Direct Investments plus an account with Halifax Share Dealing, your holdings in both accounts would be aggregated together for the purposes of eligibility for the FSCS. If you ask, we will ...
Lloyds and Lloyds Bank are trading names of Lloyds Bank plc, Bank of Scotland plc, Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets plc and Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets Wertpapierhandelsbank GmbH. The products and services outlined on this site may be offered by legal entities from across Lloyds Banking Group, in...
Lloyds and Lloyds Bank are trading names of Lloyds Bank plc, Bank of Scotland plc, Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets plc and Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets Wertpapierhandelsbank GmbH. The products and services outlined on this site may be offered by legal entities from across Lloyds Banking Group, in...
BankofScotland4% RoyalBankofScotland2% 4Notes:Atwhichofthesebanksistheaccountheldthatyouprimarilyuse?;SinglePick;Base:n=4,030bankingcustomers Sources:ConsumerInsightsGlobalasofOctober2024 ThemarketshareofBankofScotlandhasstayedfairlysimilarcomparedto 2021Q1 Managementsummary:brandusagetimeline Timelineofbankingcust...
Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and Bank of Scotland (BoS), in conjunction with government grants, have provided £50 million in funding to support Kingdom Group's ongoing commitment ... Dismay as £1bn HBOS fraud inquiry enters eighth year ...