除却富国外,在加州,还有一个专门为当地的普通移民提供服务的银行不得不提,这家银行是由意裔美国人阿马迪·贾尼尼(Amadeo P. Giannini)于1904年在旧金山创立,它成立之初是叫意大利银行(Bank of Italy),后来是叫美国银行(Bank of America);而在创办它时,贾尼尼也一定不会想到,自己将来会由于在金融方面的突出贡献被...
Italy, we partner with Generation to enable young people, mid-career jobseekers and people with disabilities to gain access to training and job placements within the technology sector. Through our established support of the arts, Bank of America has funded projects at several cultural institutions ...
The history of Bank of America can be traced back to 1904, when it was known as Bank of Italy. At that time, the feature that distinguished the Bank of Italy from other American banks was that it offered financial services to immigrants arriving in the United States, not only the wealthie...
Click here. Go to Bank of America France Go to Bank of America Germany Go to Bank of America Ireland Go to Bank of America Italy Go to Bank of America Middle East Go to Bank of America Nordics Go to Bank of America Switzerland Go to Bank of America United Kingdom ...
读音:美英 bank of italy基本解释 意大利银行 分词解释 bank银行 Italy意大利(欧洲) bank of italy是什么意思 bank of italy怎么读 bank of italy在线翻译 bank of italy中文意思 bank of italy的解释 bank of italy的发音 bank of italy意思是什么 bank of italy怎么翻译 bank of italy的中文翻译 bank of ital...
A historic downtown landmark, Bank of Italy is one of the most iconic buildings in San Jose. With a rich history based upon Amadeo Giannini's legacy as the founder of Bank of America,the building is distinct in both appearance and location. Bank of Italy's conversion will restore and cel...
America; Dresdner Bank and HypoVereinsbank from Germany; Banque Paribas from France; and CommercialBank of Italy,from Italy. en.ztleasing.com en.ztleasing.com 外方股东中不乏世界级的银行和商社,例如来自日本的东方(ORIX)租赁公司、三和银行、日本兴业银行、樱 花银行、三菱信托银行、日本长期信用银行;来...
Giannini’s Bank of Italy was merging with Bank of America, Los Angeles. With all of his other bank holdings, he created what became the largest banking institution in the country. He changed the name of the Bank of Italy on November 3, 1930, and called it Bank of America since then....
The Current Bank of America was initially the Bank of Italy. Founded by Amadeo Pietro Giannini, an Italian-American banker, in 1903, the bank was stationed in San Francisco (still is today). In 1922, a bank named “Bank of America” was formed in Los Angeles, with Giannini as a minorit...
Bank of America is a banking institution and financial services provider around the globe. It was set up as Bank of Italy in 1904 by Amadeu Gianni. It has grown multifold over the las hundred and twelve years to become one of the leading banks in the United States. ...