OverallGenomeCharacterizationOverallOccurrenceofaCertainFeatureintheGenomee.g.howmanykinasesinYeastCompareOrganismsandTissuesExpressionlevelsinCancerousvsNormalTissuesDatabases,StatisticsMajorApplicationIII: Overall16proteomicsdataproteomicsdata17Proteomicstools IdentificationandcharacterizationDNA->ProteinSimilaritysearchesPattern...
:My favourite subjects at school were biology and chemistry and actually I did my degree in Chemistry back in Spain. My biology teacher in high school was very inspiring he was one of those teachers that amused you with his questions and enthusiasm, always very committed with us and the biol...
(Table 1). This high proportion of marine sponge extract hits is not surprising, given that the NatureBank marine extract library is well-represented by organisms belonging to the phylum Porifera; in total, 5572 of the 7616 extracts used were derived from sponges. Marine sponges have been a ...