Of this amount, R$2.7 billion will support corporate agriculture, while R$2.1 billion will be allocated to family farming initiatives. The bank did not disclose the source of the funds or clarify whether they would be offered at free-market or subsidized interest rates. ...
ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Ivorian economist Jean-Claude Brou, president of West Africa's main political bloc, has been nominated by Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara to be governor of the regional central bank, a source familiar with the matter said. Brou has served as president of...
The New Development Bank (NDB), established by the BRICS countries in 2014, is expected to become an important player in the field of international development cooperation. The NDB’s innovations include the equality-based governance system, prioritizing green infrastructure projects, and the use of...
“Our criminal investigations into individual employees at every level of TD Bank are active and ongoing … no one involved in TD Bank’s illegal conduct will be off limits.” He said TD is the largest bank in U.S. history to plead guilty to the Bank Secrecy Act, which is used to ...
This first week of October has seen U.S. interest rates soar to the 5% level on long-term Treasury bonds. That has made long-term Treasuries one of most attractive investment vehicles in the world, or even the most attractive. One obvious result is that countries aiming to dedollarize the...
Fedspeak:US Federal Reserve governor Lisa Cook will give the keynote address at the National Bureau of Economic Research Economics of Artificial Intelligence Conference in Toronto. Share $What to watch in North America today on X (opens in a new window) ...
Stephen Brown, assistant chief North America economist for Capital Economics, thinks the GST holiday will be a wash in terms of its effect on inflation. “The two-month tax cut will result in lower inflation over December and January but then boost it over February and March, so shouldn’t...
The European Central Bank reduced interest rates by 25 basis points on Thursday, resuming a rate-cutting cycle that started with a landmark move in June. The ECB's key interest rate — which helps to price all sorts of loans and mortgages across the bloc — now stands at 3.5%, down fro...
The central bank data showed a total of 680 billion yuan of reverse repos were set to mature this week. The central bank has increasingly relied on open market operations for liquidity management, rather than cuts in interest rates or reserve requirement ratios. ...
A central bank aims to stabilize a nation's economy through managing the money supply and overseeing monetary policy. During times of high inflation, for instance, a central bank may raise interest rates to cool spending. During economic downturns, it may engage in quantitative easing to stimulat...