Norton Rose Fulbright advises J.P. Morgan and Bank of America Merill Lynch on landmark EUR 900 mln Polish telecom high-yield bond offeringGrzegorz DyczkowskiPiotr Strawa
The CDD approach emerged at the World Bank in the early 1990s in the form of a handful of programs mostly implemented in Latin America. Since then, CDD operations have evolved and expanded at exceptional speed to represent a Bank investment of over US$100 billion (Holmlund and Rao2021). Thr...
New Law of the Venezuelan Central BankLuis Ernesto AnduezaRubén Eduardo LujánAna Carolina Serpa
Of the botanic gardens listing seed banks as part of their facilities in GardenSearch, the majority are located in the global north, particularly in Europe and North America. Interest in using seed banks to conserve wild plants is relatively recent. Spain was one of the first countries to focu...