Canara bank offers different types of home loan schemes to meet your needs including Canara Housing Loan, Canara Home Loan Plus, Canara Home Improvement Loan and Canara Site Loan. Canara Housing Loan Ideal for purchase of plot, purchase/construction of house and expansion/renovation The interest ra...
Home Purchase Loan for purchase of a new home or property Self-Construction Loan for construction of house on plot purchased or already owned. Home Improvement Loan for repairs and renovation of a house Home Loan Top Up which helps in getting additional home loan at attractive rates ...
The car loans by the Allahabad Bank are given for the purchase of the new vehicle, which are to be for personal use only. It also offers loans for the purchase of pre- owned vehicle, which is not more than 3 years old. To get the benefit of the loan, the person should be a salar...
Provides loans to purchase a Plot for construction of a House, to purchase/construct house/flat, as well as for renovation/ repair/alteration/addition to house/flat STAR ASSET BACKED LOAN 25% in NFB Commissions To provide working capital for building up of current assets. ...
Provides loans to purchase a Plot for construction of a House, to purchase/construct house/flat, as well as for renovation/ repair/alteration/addition to house/flat STAR ASSET BACKED LOAN 25% in NFB Commissions To provide working capital for building up of current assets. ...
Provides loans to purchase a Plot for construction of a House, to purchase/construct house/flat, as well as for renovation/repair/alteration/addition to house/flat, furnishing of house, Takeover of customer's housing loan extended by other Banks/F.Is /NBFCs at highly flexible and liberal ter...
Construct a residential house on a freehold or a leasehold plot allotted by the development authority. Avail of an exclusive scheme for the Armed Forces personnel. Apart from purchase and construction, a home loan for renovation, extension, balance transfer, and top-up match competitive terms. Su...
This loan is eligible for Senior Citizens of India above 60 years of age. The loan repayment tenure is 15 years. The processing charge is 0.20% of the loan amount. Baroda CRE Home Loan This loan is ideal for purchase of flat/residential plot, construction of home, home loan takeover, ho...
Despite the rise in loan growth, CBS maintained a non-performing loan ratio of 3.3 percent during the period. 'Increasing deposits is a point of emphasis for CBS as it works to improve personal financial wellness nationwide,' the thrift bank said. 'CBS firmly believes that raising the savings...
Purchase a Plot for construction of a House Purchase | construct house | flat Home Extension for renovation | repair | alteration | addition to house | flat Take over from other Banks/ HFCs/ NBFCs/ FIs, etc. Margin or Loan to Value Ratio (LTV) Ratio: For New Home Loan ...