1. 卡号的组成 (Composition of the Card Number) 银行卡号通常由16位数字组成,具体结构如下: 发卡行标识符 (Issuer Identification Number, IIN):前6位数字用于识别发卡银行。 个人账户标识符 (Personal Account Number, PAN):接下来的9位数字是持卡人的个人账户号码。 校验位 (Check Digit):最后1位数字是校验...
The Bank Identification Number (BIN), also known as the Issuer Identification Number (IIN), is the first six digits of a credit or debit card. It's used to identify the issuing bank or financial institution, ensuring proper routing and security for transactions. The Issuer Identification Number...
The first 6 digits of a debit or credit card are known as the bank identification number (BIN), or issuer identification number (IIN).Looking up the BINs associated with cards you’re processing can provide a lot of insight into your business – like identifying trends in declines or purchas...
The term "Issuer Identification Number" (IIN) is replacing "Bank Identification Number". Submit a Definition
Bank Identification Numbers (BINs) are also known as Issuer Identification Numbers (IINs). The BIN or IIN is the first four to six numbers of the 16-digit number on a credit card, debit card, gift card, electronic benefits card, or charge card. These numbers are used to identify the i...
Ans. In many cases, the terms “Issuer Identification Number” (IIN) and “Business Identification Number” (BIN) can be used interchangeably. Through this numbering system, it is possible to detect identity theft or security breaches to the institution or cardholder by comparing data such as the...
BREAKING DOWN 'Bank Identification Number - BIN' Other institutions, such as American Express, also use BINs. The term "issuer identification number" (IIN)is used interchangeably with BIN. The numbering system helps identify identity theft or potential security breaches by comparing data, such as ...
Also known as issuer identification numbers, BINs pinpoint the industry of the company that issued the card and the specific financial institution that issued the card. If you spot a 4 or 5 as the first digit of a card number, for instance, it means the issuer does business as a bank ...
bank identification number- an identification number consisting of a two-part code assigned to banks and savings associations; the first part shows the location and the second identifies the bank itself ABA transit number,BIN identification number,number- a numeral or string of numerals that is used...
Since other financial institutions aside from banks also issue cards, BIN is also known as anissuer identification number (IIN). How Do Bank Identification Numbers Work? The first character of the BIN is called an industry identifier. It is used to identify the industry of the issuing company....