The effect of non-performing loan on profitability: empirical evidence from nepalese commercial banks J. Asian Financ. Econ. Bus., 8 (4) (2021), pp. 709-716, 10.13106/jafeb.2021.vol8.no4.0709 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar [94] A.I. Hunjra, F. Islam, P. Verhoeven, M.K. Hassan The...
CVV number, OTP, ATM PIN number, PAN number, Date of Birth, etc. Indian Railways or its employees never ask for any personal banking information.
He has served as Rector, Kolej Pengajian Islam Johor (2019-2020), a lecturer and professor at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (1987-2016), Professor of Islamic financial economics at Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, Head of research, Islamic Development Bank Jeddah (2013-2017), and Islamic ...
Table 1. Summary statistics of the main variables. Table 2 reports the results of the baseline regression Equation (1). Column 1 reflects the regression of the enterprise innovation performance variable, LNPATENT, on the bank digital transformation variable, BANKDIGIT, which shows that enterprise ...