Alternative ETFs in the FactSet Inverse Commodities: Precious Metals Gold Segment TypeSymbolExpense RatioAssetsAvg. Daily VolYTD Return Cheapest DGZ 0.75% $2.4 M 425 -4.77% Largest (AUM) GLL 0.95% $29.1 M 295,864 -18.71% Most Liquid (Volume) GLL 0.95% $29.1 M 295,864 -18.71% Top...
The POS will cover all equities (including depository receipts, investment companies, preference shares and stapled securities), funds (including Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and REITs) and leveraged and inverse products (L&I Products) (together the “POS Securities”). Nevertheless, debt securities...
Commission-free Trading.Commission-free trading of ETFs excludes leveraged and inverse ETFs and applies only to trades placed online and on the Citi Mobile®App. Clients will pay a commission to buy or sell ETFs by phone. ETFs are subject to management fees and expenses; refer to each ETF’...
(a) An ETF is meant to track the performance of a specific market or sector. Some ETFs may invest in over-the counter derivatives issued by counterparties. Thus when customers invest in these ETFs, customers will bear both the risks in the securities that make up the index and the credit ...
The US government doesn’t actually have the authority to shut down a bank in Panama. Instead, the US State DepartmentsaysBalboa Bank has done something wrong and puts them on a black list. By placing the bank on this list, called the Clinton List, the US government is now able to free...
Where can I get a list of all private equity, wealth management firms, and investment banks in India? How should I invest $3M? Lost with JP Morgan wealth management but was charged 1% per year anyway. What are financial products (e.g. derivate...
DJ Commodity 2X Inverse North American Copper Index Excess Return+0.05% HYXF.SO:IND $3,600,000.00 iShares ESG Advanced High Yield Corporate Bond ETF Shares Outstanding+100,000.00% NOMXNHCSEK:IND $4,242.46 NASDAQ OMX Nordic Health Care SEK+49.75% LFAV $163.18 LifeX 2059 Longevity Income ETF...