it can take several days before your bank actually receives the money represented by the check. Consequently, banks can place a hold on your account to prevent you from spending money that your bank has yet to receive. However, federalRegulation CClimits the period of time that a bank or cr...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See All Top 12 Sophisticated Compliments Word of the Year 2024 | Polarization ...
In many cases, there is nothing you can do if the bank has a hold on your deposit. You can check with your bank to make sure there isn't an error, but you'll most likely have to wait until the hold clears. If you believe your bank is holding the money longer than they are lega...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook bank clerk Thesaurus n (Professions)Britan employee of a bank Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Bank, an institution that deals in money and its substitutes and provides other money-related services. It derives a profit from the difference between the costs of attracting and servicing deposits and the income it receives through interest charged to
ET on the third bank business day prior to the scheduled delivery date. Once a payment has begun processing, it cannot be canceled. If a check has been issued for your bill payment, any stop payment provisions that apply to checks in the agreement governing your bill pay funding account ...
bank - a financial institution that accepts deposits and channels the money into lending activities; "he cashed a check at the bank"; "that bank holds the mortgage on my home" banking company, banking concern, depository financial institution financial institution, financial organisation, financial ...
Last Check No. Field, Bank Account Table General Ledger Bank Branch No. Field, Bank Account Table General Ledger Global Dimension 1 Code Field, Bank Account Table General Ledger National Issuer No. Field, Bank Account Table France Local Functionality Acc. Hold. Country/Region Code Field, Bank ...
especially those regarding personal information or this Policy, please contact us through the means set forth below and we will in principle respond within 15 days of receiving your question (could be extended to a maximum of 60 days depending on the complexity of the situation), comment or sug...
If you have any question, comment or suggestion about the App, especially those regarding personal information or this Policy, please contact us through the means set forth below and we will in principle respond within 15 days (could be extended to a maximum of 60 days depending on the comple...