Bank Syariah Indonesia has 2 executives. Bank Syariah Indonesia's current Senior Vice President is Praka Agung. Name Work History Title Status Praka Agung Maybank, and Bank Mandiri Senior Vice President Current Subscribe to see more Subscribe to see more Subscribe to see more Subscribe to see mo...
1.Pembayaran disetorkan melalui teller Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) ke rekening berikut:•7111-88-999-8 a.n Univ Internasional Semen Indonesia 2. Datang ke cabang Bank Syariah Indonesia terdekat.3. Mengisi formulir setor tunai/transfer, dengan mencantumkan “Nama Mahasiswa +no peserta” di ...
business banking solutions, non-cash transaction facilities, digital banking services, and investment and savings accounts. Bank Syariah Indonesia serves individuals and businesses seeking financial services according to Islamic principles. It was founded in 2000 and is based in Central Jakarta, Indonesia....
The purpose of the study was to determine 1) the level of financial literacy index and Islamic financial inclusion index in Indonesia. 2) to recognize Bank Syariah Indonesia's efforts in seeking Sharia financial inclusion targets and the Indonesian Sharia Banking Development Ro...
INDONESIA: Bank Syariah Indonesia has appointed Bob Tyasika Ananta as the new deputy director of the bank in place of Ngatari and Abdullah Firman Wibowo, VOI reported. Concurrently, the bank also appointed Zaidan Novari as the director of wholesale trans
Bank Syariah Indonesia’s (BSI) focus on tech disruption is not typical for a state-owned lender. But southeast Asia’s biggest and most populous economy is proving fertile territory for startup finance.
我们发现下列公司与Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk PT相近,它们都属于相关的行业。我们还考虑了规模、增长和各种财务指标,并将列表缩小到以下范围。 Bank Syariah Indonesia的平均价格/现金及短期投资(5年)基准 名称代码平均价格/现金及短期投资(5年) Bank Tabungan Negara Persero IDX:BBTN 0.5x Bank Cimb Niaga Tbk ...
Bank Syariah Indonesia的含非经常项的ebt复合年均增长率(5年)是118.0%. 查看Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk PT的含非经常项的EBT复合年均增长率(5年)趋势、图表等
Trouvez le code BIC/Swift pour PT. BANK MEGA SYARIAH en Indonésie ici. Vérifiez le code Swift de votre banque et obtenez tous les détails dont vous avez besoin pour votre transfert international.
Pt Bank Uob Indonesia 声明:SWIFT是属于S.W.I.F.T. SCRL的注册商标。S.W.I.F.T. SCRL的总部位于比利时Avenue Adèle 1, B-1310 La Hulpe。本网站不属于S.W.I.F.T. SCRL的下属机构,也不是SWIFT代码的官方机构。本网站仅提供检索SWIFT代码的工具以方便网友进行国际电汇转账业务。最终信息请以官方网站为...