SAP ERP, SAP S/4HANA, FIN Cash Management The following guide is an example of the most common business operations related to bank account management, performed in a SAP S/4HANA environment using SAP Fiori App instead of classic SAP GUI transaction code (tcode). This may be useful once...
Among other things, the manual bank statement functionality inSAP FICOenables you to vary the row formatting when entering line items, vary the account assignment variant for correct automatic account determination, transfer payment advice from the cash and liquidity management application and change the...
The following article is an exemplification of the most common business operations related to bank account management, performed in a SAP S/4HANA environment using SAP Fiori App instead of classic SAP GUI transaction code (tcode). This may be useful once your company implements the next generatio...
首先在找到一个G/L Account主数据,然后看到有House Bank和Account ID两个栏位。 TCODE:FI12进入到后台配置,我们就可以看到一个House Bank体现了一个Bank Key定义的银行主数据,而一个House Bank下会有很多Account ID, House Bank和Account ID确定了唯一的一个Bank Account,每个Bank Account会制定一个G/L Account。
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and delete bank keys in SAP. A bank key is a key that uniquely identifies your bank in a specific country. It is the detailed address information about the bank account with the account number.
AllhousebankaccountsarerepresentedbyG/LaccountsinSAP() 查看答案
House banks have more than one bank account ID and the account ID is unique for that bank ID and company code. How to Create a House Bank in SAP? Please follow the steps below to create a new house bank: Enter t-codeFI12_HBANKin SAP command Field and pressEnterto execute it ...
bank account n C 1. 银行往来账 • open a bank account 开账户 2. 银行存款 随便看 励 励磁 励精图治 劲 劲头 劲射 劲敌 劲旅 劲舞 劲风 劳 数典忘祖 数列 数制 数字 数字化 数字地球 数字显示 数学 数得着 数据 数控 数数儿 数来宝 数珠sap英语在线翻译词典收录了95854条英语词汇在线翻译词条,...
NWBC报bank account 批导报failed to resolve object based navigation target "SAP_ECC_Finacials"错误 今天项目上的同事在使用NWBC导bank account的时候报了如下错误,查了note说是要配一个H类型的RFC,然后在将target加在对应的role上,RFC建了, 但是怎么加到role上倒是没整出来,后面研究了一下导入,找到导入的...
Enter the maximum number of lines to be printed on each check issued for the account. If you leave this field blank, SAP Business One considers the value defined in Administration System Initialization Print Preferences (tab Per Document, document Check for Payment) as the maximum lines per chec...