班珠尔位于冈比亚(全称:冈比亚共和国THE REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA)西部沿海冈比亚河口的南岸,地处圣玛丽(SAINT MARY)岛的东端,濒临大西洋的东侧。又名巴瑟斯特(BATHURST),是冈比亚的最大港口,它是冈比亚的首都和全国政治、经济、交通及文化的中心。主要工业有榨油、纺织、鱼类加工及花生剥壳等。班珠尔交通方便,通过...
AIS live ship tracking and vessel position data from the port Banjul in Gambia by vesseltracker.com.
冈比亚-班珠尔机场(Banjul International Airport)三字代码 机场三字代码 BJLICAO GBYD 机场名 班珠尔机场 / Banjul International Airport城市 班珠尔 / Banjul 区域 / 国家 冈比亚 / Gambia 时区 00:00洲 Africa 海关机场 是 银行信息 首页 运价 联系 我的...
Port Banjul cruise ship schedule shows timetable calendars of all arrival and departure dates by month. The port's schedule lists all ships (in links) with cruises going to or leaving from Banjul, Gambia. To see the full itineraries (ports of call dates and arrival / departure times) and ...
Banjul- a port city and capital of Gambia capital of Gambia Gambia,Republic of The Gambia,The Gambia- a narrow republic surrounded by Senegal in West Africa Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Banjul(bänˈjo͝ol), formerlyBathurst(băthˈərst), port city, capital of The Gambia, situated on St. Mary's Island where the Gambia River enters the Atlantic Ocean. It is the only large urban area in The Gambia and is the country's economic and administrative center. Its por...
Banjul, city, capital, and Atlantic port of The Gambia, on St. Mary’s Island, near the mouth of the Gambia River. It is the country’s largest city. It was founded in 1816, when the British Colonial Office ordered Captain Alexander Grant to establish a
天津港到-Banjul-Gambia-班珠尔-冈比亚海运费报价 联系我们 迪士国际货运代理(天津)有限公司是商务部备案的一级国际货运代理有限公司。主要承办进出口货物的海运、空运、海铁联运、多式联运等国际货物运输代理业务; 022-2312 3936 天津港到冈比亚班珠尔港口(Banjul)海运费报价 ...
The GambiaRepublic of T...Gambiacapital of Ga...Banjul noun Synonyms for Banjul nouna port city and capital of Gambia Synonyms capital of Gambia Related Words Gambia Republic of The Gambia The Gambia Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex...
Cruises Itineraries Cruise Lines Ships Port Hotels Review Search for a new Cruises Select an upcoming Banjul cruise itinerary list below to find a Banjul sailing itinerary by destination, line, or ship. Search All Cruises No Cruises were found that match your Search options. From Our Partners ...