冈比亚-班珠尔机场(Banjul International Airport)三字代码 机场三字代码 BJLICAO GBYD 机场名 班珠尔机场 / Banjul International Airport城市 班珠尔 / Banjul 区域 / 国家 冈比亚 / Gambia 时区 00:00洲 Africa 海关机场 是 银行信息 首页 运价 联系 我的...
班珠尔 机场三字码 城市名班珠尔 城市名(英文)BANJUL 机场三字码BJL 机场四字码 机场名称班珠尔 机场名称(英文)BANJUL, GAMBIA YUNDUM INTERNATIONAL 国家(地区)代码GM 国家(地区)名称冈比亚 纬度13.3500 经度-16.6667 电脑版-手机版- 自适应
Banjul International is located in Gambia, using iata code BJL, and icao code GBYD.Find out the key information for this airport.
机场三字码查询 关键字: 城市名机场三字码机场四字码机场名称英文名称 班珠尔BJL班珠尔BANJUL
6.0 The Banjul (IATA code BJL) airport is located in Banjul. Travellers rate it 6.0/10 on average, indicating good service. This rating is below when compared to the average rating of other airports. Country : Gambia Local time:2:21 PM ...
IATA airport codeBJL United Nations Location CodeGM BJL Open Location Code7C55FC3C+W6 OpenStreetMap IDnode 249167555 OpenStreetMap Featureplace=town GeoNames ID2413876 Wikidata IDQ3726This page is based on OpenStreetMap, GeoNames, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons and Wikivoya...
Currency:Dalasi (GMD) Languages:English Country Code:+220 Astronomy Note:3月14日 (五), Total Lunar Eclipseis visible in Banjul.See eclipse info for Banjul °C Weather 20 °C Clear. 星期日 16. 27 / 21 °C 星期一 17. 28 / 21 °C ...
Dictionary Thesaurus Banjul Banjul(bänˈjo͝ol), formerlyBathurst(băthˈərst), port city, capital of The Gambia, situated on St. Mary's Island where the Gambia River enters the Atlantic Ocean. It is the only large urban area in The Gambia and is the country's economic and adm...
Hotel Round trip Economy, 1 traveller Nonstop only From To Departure - return Search flights Flight Information Cheapest flightfromUSD 658 Departure and arrival airportBJL-GVA Fly comfortably and relaxed from Banjul to Geneva Are you looking to travel from Banjul to Geneva? Book your next flight ...
"Sanna and the two guys WHO picked me up at the airport where so nice and serviceminded. I felt very safe despite the Trip went through the bushes late evening to theFaith andGrace Guesthouse. Vicky is a faboulas chef in the kitchen. Thank you all!" Show more The price is $27 $27...