(redirected fromBanh trung thu) mooncake moon·cake alsomoon cake(mo͞on′kāk′) n. A small dense pastry filled with bean paste, ground lotus seeds, or other ingredients, traditionally eaten during the Chinese moon festival. [Translation of Mandarinyuèbǐng(yuè,moon+bǐng,flatbread, cake...
Mid-Autumn Festival (Tet Trung Thu) is just around the corner and I have mooncakes on the brain. For those not familiar with mooncakes, they are the baked delicacy for the Mid-Autumn Festival. These delicious cakes come in a variety of different shapes and sizes but what they have in com...
điệuSinh NhậtSinh Nhật Lần Thứ 50Sự Kiện Buổi TốiTâm Trạng Cổ điểnTập Trung Chọn LọcThanh LịchThắp NếnThắp SángThiết Lập BảngThu ThậpTiệc Sinh NhậtTốiTráng MiệngTrang Trí BánhTrang Trí ...
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Related to Banh Tet trung thu:Mooncake mooncake moon·cake alsomoon cake(mo͞on′kāk′) n. A small dense pastry filled with bean paste, ground lotus seeds, or other ingredients, traditionally eaten during the Chinese moon festival.