Population density is one of the highest in the world at more than 600 persons per square km. The age structure of the population gives a high dependency ratio (93 percent) with 45 percent of the population below 15 years. Total fertility rate remains high, estimated at 5.8 in 1985. ...
Population (2001 est): 2,01,296 (Male: 1,00977, Female: 1,00319) Density: 1255 per Square Kilometer The number of voters: 1,07,558 (Male: 51,187, Female: 56,371) Union Parishad: 7 (1 No. Narottampur Union Parishad, 2 No. Sundalpur Union Parishad,3 No. Dhanshiri Union Paris...
Rajshahi city corporation (RCC) had a population of 284,056 in 1991. Currently, RCC consists of 0.85 million people, with a population density of 4318 per square kilometer (Islam and Islama, 2021). The RCC two wards (lowest administrative unit of city cooperation) 11 & 13 (Fig. 1) ...
The highly forested areas in the study area also had higher malaria incidence rates (median API 50.4 vs 2.7, p < 0.001), and lower population density (median 58 people per square km vs 692 people per square km, p < 0.001, Additional file 1: Figure S24)....
For the megacity Dhaka, Bangladesh, maintaining physical distancing and hygiene while commuting is difficult because of the population density (46,000 per square kilometre) (Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, 2014), crowding and congestion at public transport hubs, and lack of health consciousness at th...
Bangladesh is considered to be one of the potential economies despite being besieged by multi-faceted adversities such as frequent natural disasters, high density of population, political turmoil and a low production capacity. The resilience and inherent strength of the economy, mainly due to its rob...
92°41′E longitude, on the northern coast of the Bay of Bengal. The country covers an area of 148,460 square kilometres (57,320 square miles) and is divided into eight divisions and 64 districts. The total population is 165,158,616, with a population density of 1119 per square ...
Moreover, rapid urbanization, increased population density, improper landuse, alterations in the hilly regions by illegally cutting the hills, indiscriminate deforestation, and agricultural practices are aggravating the landslide vulnerability in CMA (Khan et al. 2012). Fig. 1 a Location of the study...
Population density is 8229 people per km², where it is 976 for the whole country (BBS, 2011). Moreover, the process of urbanization in Dhaka is providing both challenges as well as opportunities. For instance, Dhaka contributes to the 19% Gross Domestic Product (GDP) share to the ...
Countries with a high population density are more likely to experience devastating seismic events. This calls for a thorough examination of the situation prior to the construction of a nuclear power plant, as per regulations set out by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Experts agree ...