The 1971 conflict mired Pakistan in a bitter civil war and brutal stuggle both within its own country and against neighboring India. Backed by the Soviet Union and the United States, the 1971 war was fought over territories of East Pakistan, which then seceded to become Bangladesh. Through a ...
(Placename) a republic in S Asia: formerly the Eastern Province of Pakistan; became independent in 1971 after civil war and the defeat of Pakistan by India; consists of the plains and vast deltas of the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers; prone to flooding: economy based on jute and jute produc...
The war of independence is a glorious period in the history of our country. The war was fought against the Pakistan army in 1971. Through this war, Bangladesh emerged as an independent country. It was also a war of supreme sacrifice. About three million people died in this war, Most of ...
The 1971 conflict mired Pakistan in a bitter civil war and brutal stuggle both within its own country and against neighboring India. Backed by the Soviet Union and the United States, the 1971 war was fought over territories of East Pakistan, which then seceded to become Bangladesh. Through a ...
Chowdhury sentenced for involvement in killings during independence war against Pakistan Expand 1971: An elderly Pakistani refugee is pushed aside by Indian troops advancing into the East Pakistan (Bangladesh) area during the Indo-Pakistani war. Photograph: Central Press/Getty Images ...
At least 300 people were killed in the single largest bout of violence since Bangladesh's war of independence from Pakistan in 1971. The movement was hailed as a Gen Z revolution, spurred by young Bangladeshis' anger at years of jobless growth, allegations of kleptocracy, an...
University and college students were at the forefront during the1952 Language Movement, the 1971 liberation war, during the 1990overthrow of the HM Ershad regimeand the2018 road safety protests. While Sheikh Hasina’s Awami League has been in power since 2009 – throughquestionable and unfair mean...
The protesters are demanding an end to a quota system that reserves up to 30% of government jobs for relatives of veterans who fought in Bangladesh’s war of independence in 1971 against Pakistan. They argue the system is discriminatory and benefits supporters of Prime Minister Sheikh H...
Students have been demonstrating for weeks over the allocation of civil service jobs, calling for the state to end a quota system that reserved 30% of government jobs for veterans who fought in Bangladesh's war of independence from Pakistan in 1971.
The proposed law stipulates a maximum jail sentence of 14 years for espionage if an individual is found secretly recording information with electronic instruments inside a government building or for spreading "propaganda" against Bangladesh's 1971 war for independence from Pakistan. A further el...