Standard errors clustered at the working district level are in parentheses. * Significant at the 10% level; ** significant at the 5% level; *** significant at the 1% level. The sample size is smaller in the probit model due to the collinearity of working-district fixed effects. # ...
Download PDF Sections Figures References Abstract Introduction Materials and methods Results Discussion Conclusions and policy recommendations Data availability Code availability References Acknowledgements Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Supplementary Information Rights and permissions About ...
*Measured diagonally as a full rectangle without accounting for the rounded corners. Actual viewable area is less due to the rounded corners. Speed + Memory + Power = Epic Races Blast through race after race on a tablet that wins. Load quickly, run smoothly and stay connected while grabbing...
Notes: Single-difference estimates with attrition weights; robust standard errors adjusted for survey design and clustering in parentheses. Each cell represents a separate regression. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1. N = 6066. Appendix B. Supplementary data Download: Download zip file...
Jamalpur district is one of the Bangladesh′s top producers of brinjal fruits, accounting for around 8.5 percent of the country′s total production, and Islampur Upazila produced the highest amount (60.4 percent of the total output) of brinjal fruits14. The nutritional quality and value of ...
except Bangladesh Accounting Standard 12 "Income Taxes" where provision for deferred tax is required to be provided in the accounts which is not done as per the said standard, Companies Act 1994, Securities and Exchange Ordinance 1969, Securities and Exchange Rules 1987 and other laws and rules ...
(standard deviation), Min (minimum), Max (maximum), var (variance). | Show Table DownLoad: CSV The descriptive statistics also suggest, the existence of the problem of kurtosis for variables LTD and CPLZ with values of kurtosis higher than 3. This means the variables have a fat-tailed ...
we evaluated a range of cropping systems currently practiced by smallholder farmers in the south-central coastal region to quantify gains in food production and economic profitability through intensification (double rice) or diversification (rice and non-rice crops), while simultaneously accounting for ch...
(i.e. resulting in infection if involving a susceptible and an infected bird), in a closed population, accounting for both direct and environmentally-mediated transmission; values ofβresult inr > 1 above the solid line for Dhaka markets and dotted line for Chattogram markets, and inr ...
In: Ninth Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA 2022). Atlantis Press. pp. 642–651 Nugroho AH, Bakar A, Ali A (2017) Analysis of technology acceptance model: case study of Traveloka. Arthatama 1(1):...