means "Checking Web of ." "INI file "%1!-.200s!" section" means "INI file "" section." If your language has agreement between adjectives and nouns, and the noun is a placeholder, it can be important to know what exact string will be in the placeholder, so that a preceding ...
Series 3 Episode 18: Only Working Bangla Lamb Sir Episódio de Podcast 2023 1 h 22 min SUA AVALIAÇÃO Avaliar Adicionar um enredo no seu idioma Veja as informações de produção no IMDbPro Adicionar à Lista Fotos Adicionar foto Enredo Editar Avaliações de usuários Seja o ...
They analyzed datasets containing comments from Facebook, YouTube, and newspaper websites using a variety of models, including logistic regression, SVM, CNN, and Bi-LSTM. The researchers divided hate speech into four distinct categories: political, religious, personal, and geopolitical. With F1 ...