Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi today inaugurated the 25th edition of Bengaluru Tech Summit 2022, at a glittering ceremony in the presence of a galaxy of leaders from the IT, BT and start-up sectors. The event was organized by The...
Mount Carmel Summit "Think big" It's better to have a vision that is giant-sized than one that is too small. Having a big vision is very important in entrepreneurship.The MBA Students of GRV Business Management Academy were invited to attend a one day International COTF (COMMUNITIES OF THE...
Attending the Machine Learning Summit 2023 in Bangalore was an incredible opportunity for me to deepen my understanding of the latest advancements and trends in the field. The keynote speakers were inspiring and provided valuable insights, and I had the chance to network with many other professional...
Royal Challengers Bangalore works incessantly to design assets that build the ethos of the brand in congruence with sports and lifestyle, mounting into a business strategy to take the brand forward. It is the fans who form the true force behind the franchise and every season we have ...
Published on June 21, 2022 by Tasmia Ansari Listen to this story The art and technology merge has redefined the traditional methods and influenced artists to create, showcase as well as sell art to a global audience. Now, big tech companies are looking to make it accessible to all. Last...
M.Tech. (Master of Technology) Bachelor's degree in Engineering/Technology or equivalent, minimum 50% aggregate marks or equivalent CGPA, valid GATE score or equivalent ₹1,50,000 Talk to our Experts Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) Master's degree in a relevant field, minimum of 55% marks...