A phase detector, including a sampling device, a comparing device, and an output device, is provided. The sampling device samples a data signal according to a plurality of clock signals, so as to provide a plurality of corresponding sampling values. The clock signals have the same frequency ...
Perform a similar experiment in Simulink with the bang-bang phase detector. Explore how the phase detector works when there is no ISI. Look under the mask of the DFECDR block to find the serdes.DFECDR system object. Log the Phase and TapWeights signals and observe the signals in the Simu...
Phase detector for half-rate bang-bang CDR circuit A phase detector, including a sampling device, a comparing device, and an output device, is provided. The sampling device samples a data signal according to a plurality of clock signals, so as to provide a plurality of corresponding samp......
机译:使用Bang-bang相位检测器对半速率CDR的数据转换密度归一化 摘要 A clock and data recovery circuit includes a phase detector circuit, a charge pump circuit, and a voltage controlled oscillator. The phase detector circuit receives a data signal from an external device and a clock signal from the...
The results are validated by 1-Gb/s and 10-Gb/s CMOS prototypes using an Alexander phase detector and an LC oscillator.关键词: CMOS digital integrated circuits jitter phase detectors piecewise linear techniques voltage-controlled oscillators 1 Gbit/s 10 Gbit/s Alexander phase detector CDR ...
Bang-bang CDR circuits have the unique advan- tages of inherent sampling phase alignment, adaptability to multi-phase sampling structures, and operation at the highest speed at which a process can make a working flip-flop. This paper gives insight into the behavior of the nonlinear bang- bang ...
Figure 5.(a) A diagram of a bang-bang phase detector; (b) the waveform of a bang-bang phase detector. When we design our CDR circuit, we need to analyze its performance. A key step is to linearize the nonlinear phase detector [20,21]. Both the MMPD and BBPD are nonlinear phase ...
A phase detector of the bang-bang clock and data recovery module may be configured to eliminate coupling between the bang-bang clock and data recovery module and the decision feedback equalizer based upon an error signal of the decision feedback equalizer and a predetermined coefficient....
Bang-BangPhaseDetectorand560- IntegratedJitterat4.5-mWPower DavideTasca,MarcoZanuso,Member,IEEE,GiovanniMarzin,SalvatoreLevantino,Member,IEEE, CarloSamori,SeniorMember,IEEE,andAndreaL.Lacaita,Fellow,IEEE Abstract—Thispaperintroducesafractional-NdigitalPLL ...
内容提示: 1Abstract - Clock recovery using phase-locked loops (PLL)with binary (bang-bang) or ternary-quantized phase detectorshas become increasingly common starting with the advent offully monolithic clock and data recovery (CDR) Circuits in thelate 1980’s. Bang-bang CDR circuits have the ...