An inflatable bandage for applying to the upper arm or to the thigh of a patient consists of a strip of material with means (5) to fasten the ends together. The middle part (7) of the bandage has an attached inflatable pocket which can be inflated by means of a hand operated pump (...
The invention relates to a bandage for the shoulder and the upper arm, said bandage comprising a length-adjustable lower arm receiving element (12) to be detachably applied to the lower arm of a patient to be treated, and two strip sections located adjacent to said receiving element. The st...
A bandage in which the elbow is bent about 45° and the center of the bandage is placed over the point of the elbow. One end is brought around the forearm and the other end around the upper arm; the bandage is pulled tight and tied. SEE: sling cravat bandage for fracture of clavicle...
A bandage in which the elbow is bent about 45° and the center of the bandage is placed over the point of the elbow. One end is brought around the forearm and the other end around the upper arm; the bandage is pulled tight and tied. SEE: sling cravat bandage for fracture of clavicle...
A bandage for the shoulder and upper arm region comprises an upper arm section (1) and a lower arm section. The upper arm section is U-shaped and shanks (12,13) meet at the shoulder. The under arm section consists of three parts. The first part is angled through 90 deg and is joine...
medical dressing, dressing - a cloth covering for a wound or sore elastic bandage - a bandage containing stretchable material that can apply local pressure four-tailed bandage - a bandage consisting of a strip of cloth split in two on both ends; the central part is placed under the chin to...
Looking for Abdominal Bandage? Find out information about Abdominal Bandage. The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia . It might be outdated or ideologically biased. in medicine, a device to prevent the abdominal... Explanation of Abdo
1. Fixation bandage, in particular for upper arm fractures and shoulder luxations, characterized by an elastically extensible hose part (1), by a first carrier strap which is connected to the shoulder end of the hose part (1) and by a second holding strap (3) connected to the hand end...
disorders of the shoulder joint, a shoulder bandage is proposed, which is stretched over the upper arm and shoulder area and can be secured on the body of the patient, there being provided in the bandage at least one pocket (3) for receiving and securing a flat bag for cooling or ...
Synonyms for Esmarch bandage in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Esmarch bandage. 18 synonyms for bandage: dressing, plaster, sling, compress, gauze, lint, tourniquet, dress, cover, bind, wrap, swathe, strap up, put a bandage on, bind, dress. What are synony