Bienvenido al Banco Caja Social, su Banco Amigo. Descubra nuestros productos financieros y tome el control de sus finanzas ahora. ¡Comience hoy mismo!
Net Income 3,207,000 2,852,000 2,933,000 2,902,000 2,670,000 2,571,000 2,289,000 2,422,000 2,351,000 2,551,000 2,481,000 1,959,000 583,000 2,047,000 -10,985,000 647,000 501,000 1,837,000 2,245,000 2,438,000 1,990,000 1,698,000 2,054,000 1,542,000 1,...
2,381,542 (0.8) 存单 1,726,932 1,231,702 40.2 1,663,494 3.8 总存款 14,133,717 13,168,704 7.3 13,837,343 2.1 联邦住房贷款银行借款 1,000,000 1,350,000 (25.9) 1,175,000 (14.9) 其他短期借款 192,073 105,893 81.4 140,641 36.6 次级债和次级债 279,308 279,078 0.1 279,251 0...
现金流量表 经营现金流 134,262 (3,861) (116,542) 59,383 (42,926) 投资所得现金 (22,139) (7,600) (9,117) (921) (1,647) 筹资所得现金 (42,812) (9,865) (16,447) (7,851) (7,246) 自由现金流 124,005 (9,908) (8,867) 58,649 - 分析笔记 3 6, 2025 添加笔记保留...
Loans -23,305,170 -23,542,450 N/A -13,465,010 -89,811 Other Operating Activity 30,214,531 28,670,792 3,285,682 18,949,265 6,360,522 Operating Cash Flow $2,666,778 $12,531,360 $-8,559,369 $40,610,090 $14,031,780 Cash Flows From Investing Activities Change In Depos...
542 Reviews Certificate of Excellence Price range: $6 - $19 Description: Tabanco by Ambiente is inspired by Southern Spain’s tabanco bars and is the perfect place to pop in for a solo visit to grab a cold beer or sherry with a nibble, or to visit with family an...
我们分析了超过4,830家公司,其中542家的数据为有效数据。这些板块公司的平均下行边际(按分析师目标价计)为-18.0%,标准差为26.3%。 Banco Davivienda Pf的下行边际(按分析师目标价计)排名为第-10.0%名,处于板块内65.4%的水平。下表提供了更多数据的摘要: 板块财务状况的下行边际(按分析师目标价计) 经济风险区...
Z7_8ILI09412HJL606AHAFADNM542 Listado de elementos Acciones PROMOCIONES Y BENEFICIOS Explora las mejores promociones con BCP Adelanto de sueldo Inicia mejor el año con un Adelanto de Sueldo Pídelo aquí Cumple retos como jugando y obtén tu Tarjeta con ANDO ...
+542,5 mil Mais de ahmetodabasi_new Ver mais Vista do mar em um dia nublado e nebuloso ahmetodabasi_new Rotação de engrenagens mecânicas Steampunk Golden Color ahmetodabasi_new Pilha de bananas em um mercado ahmetodabasi_newEnvie...
Other assets4,576,6885,269,2782,031,0532,196,1471,542,409 Total Assets$23,218,410$15,029,940$10,825,300$9,840,948$9,401,340 Liabilities Total deposits13,829,37010,116,4207,437,5306,790,7716,085,553 Short Term Debt107,122154,495128,740153,286127,282 ...