Une centaine de toiles de l’artiste valencien habillent à nouveau la ville de Valencia Lorsque l’on pense à Sorolla, l’écume blanche de la plage de la Malvarrosa ou le vert des jardins valenciens viennent immédiatement à l’esprit. Cependant, l’exposition « Sorolla en noir ...
Bancaja, a savings bank based in Valencia, Spain, was expanding and wanted to exploit customer information to increase commercial effectiveness. At the same time, it was pushing for innovation in the nascent Spanish credit card market. To avoid the considerable investments of time and money that ...
BIN检查ES Bancaja (caja De Ahorros De Valencia, Castellon Y Alicante)金融机构(null null null),信用卡,借记卡或费用,以Spain 724,EUR卡BIN号码查找 服务
Centro Cultural BancajaFundación Bancaja 3.3 热度 “瓦伦西亚的文化瑰宝,展览馆的明星” 开园中 10:00-14:00,16:30-20:30开放 实用攻略 Plaza de Tetuan, 23, 46003 Valencia, Spain 地图·周边 暂无点评 快来发表第一条点评~ 写点评 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问 ...
Centro Cultural Bancaja 地址: Plaza de Tetuan, 23, 46003 Valencia, Spain 类型: 历史建筑 博物馆 场馆展馆 游玩时间: 1-2小时 电话: +34 960 64 58 40 开放时间: 全年 周二-周日 10:00-14:00,16:30-20:30开放 详情请点击 >>
CRH taps real money, Bancaja places in Spain.The article reports on credit issues in the European covered bond market as of November 14, 2008. Caisse de Refinancement de l'Habitat tapped its 4% April 2018 issue by €150 million on November 7. Caja de Ahorros de Valencia Castellón y ...
This article focuses on the 796 million euro bond issued by Caja de Ahorros de Valencia Castell贸n y Alicante (Bancaja) on September 10, 2009. The Kingdom of Spain served as guarantor in this deal. It has a triple A rating and will mature by September 18, 2012. According to the book...
The article presents information on a bond issued by Caja de Ahorros de ValenciaCastell贸n y Alicante. The 1-billion euro bond was launched on January 11, 2010 and will mature on January 21, 2015. According to bookrunners, this transaction was a good solid deal and the first government ...
Reports on the launch of debut securitization of residential mortgages for Banco de Valencia. Role of JP Morgan in the financial activity; Portfolio of Banco de Valencia; Comments from Arturo Miranda, vice president in the financial institutions securitization group at JP Morgan in London, England....
Spanish Bancaja Spins RMBS Deal.The article reports on the 450 million euro prime residential mortgage-backed securitization arranged and issued by Caja de Ahorros de Valencia, Castellón y Alicante (Bancaja) in December 2010.WiltermuthJoyTotal Securitization & Credit Investment...