Ascolta la voce dei protagonisti Tutti parlano di Generative & Normal AI A Forum Banca 2024,BNL BNP ParibaseBanco BPMhanno illustrato come gestire i rischi, migliorare la sicurezza e interpretare correttamente i dati. Si è discusso di come l’AI possa rendere più sicura e veloce la vendit...
Recupero dei contenuti scientifici dalla banca dati: Fete du soleil - celebrations of the mediterranean regions - Unesco Mediterranean ProgrammeRT 035; This work concerns the activities under the agreement of scientific cooperation between the Cultural Heritage Department of the National Research Council,...
Portfolio Exits 1 Partners & Customers 8 About BPER Banca BPER Banca (BIT: BPE) operates as a banking group that offers traditional banking services to individuals, corporate, and public entities. It also offers asset management, personal loans, leasing, and retail banking services. The company ...
Banca DatiDati AerobiologiciElaborazione ComputerizzataThe authors present a project for the computerized evaluation of aerobiological data referred to the presence of allergenic pollens in the atmosphere, with the aim of the realization of a system of regional and national Data Banks, collecting and...