BPER Banca S.p.A. Via San Carlo, 8/20 Modena, Modena 41121 Phone 39 059 202-1111 Industry Banking Sector Financial Services Fiscal Year-end 12/2024 Revenue €7.29B Net Income €1.52B 2023 Sales Growth 43.91% Employees 19,283 Board of Directors Fabio Cerchiai Chairman Anto...
BPER Banca S.p.A. Via San Carlo, 8/20 Modena, Modena 41121 Phone39 059 202-1111 IndustryBanking SectorFinancial Services Fiscal Year-end12/2024 Revenue€7.29B Net Income€1.52B 2023 Sales Growth43.91% Employees19,283 Biography Fulvio Solari ...
BPER Banca S.p.A. engages in the provision of banking services. It operates through the following segments: Retail, Private, Corporate, Large Corporate, Finance, Corporate Center, and Other. The Retail segment refers to individuals and joint accounts not regulated by the BPERPrivate service; sole...
Infatti, con il remote banking dell’App Sella puoi gestire il tuo flusso di cassa, vedere le operazioni gratuite che ti rimangono e altro ancora. Come per il conto Azienda Web, hai una carta di debito gratuita inclusa nel canone e una carta di credito gratis solo per il primo anno. Ap...