『语言香蕉区』(Speech banana),应用在听能训练已近60载,也为听力师应用在助听增益,或被听 …www.researchgate.net|基于4个网页 2. 语音分布图 ...华语语音辨识力测验程序,利用个人的纯音听力图和华与语音分布图(speech Banana)做对应,以找出属於听障者个人的三个语音分 …ir.ym.edu.tw|基于1 个网页...
必应词典为您提供speechbanana.的释义,网络释义: 语言香蕉区;语音分布图;
Speech Banana is an app that helps individuals using a hearing aid or cochlear implant learn how to interpret and respond to everyday speech. It mimics the form…
The Speech BananaColette, EmmaLefranois, RenéeAudiology Today
사용해 보신 후, 질문이나 요청등은 speechbanana@jhu.edu로 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다. 新内容 2024年11月13日 版本1.2 * 퀴즈 화면이 키보드에 가려지지 않도록 수정했습니다. ...
“banana peel”经常形容“尴尬时刻”,为什么?"Banana peel" - 意思是“香蕉皮”,但在俚语中通常用来形容一个尴尬或出乎意料的情况,比如说,当一个人踩在香蕉皮上摔倒了。这个短语常常用来描述某人的失误或令人难堪的情况。He was giving a speech to an important client when he suddenly forgot his lines ...
> Speech Communication and Rhetoric 조기졸업 > TESOL (Teaching English to Other Language) > 캐나다 온타리오주정부 통번역 자격증 > 호주 NATTI CCL 통번역 자격증 > 영어 독서 지도사 1급 ...
Great Barrier Reef Persuasive Speech Australia is in debt to The Great Barrier Reef as it has brought economic and environmental stability not just to Australia, but the World, from a business and ethical standpoint everyone must put an end in this growing issue. 1029 Words 5 Pages Decent Essa...
This rhythmic pattern is essential for natural and fluent speech. Therefore, practicing the pronunciation of banana with the correct stress and rhythm will contribute to a more natural and understandable pronunciation. In summary, mastering the pronunciation of banana involves understanding its phonetic ...
- Many banana lines of speech! "This is another hard game. A really hard and infuriating experience. I hope you rage quit and never finish this game... But maybe you will that one pro gamer among your friends that can actually beat it and make everyone jealous. ...