Hollywood Regency Style Palm Tree Table Lamp, Boulanger $533 Sale Price 57% Off California King Palm Tree Floor Lamp Nickel Plated Brass by Christopher Kreiling $22,500 / item 'Plissé White Edition' Pleated Textile Table Lamp by Folkform for Örsjö ...
Currently no method is available for rescuing plant material already infected with this pathogen. A total of 95 Nanjanagud Rasabale and 212 Elakki Bale suckers were collected from different growing regions of Karnataka, India. During nursery maintenance of these lines, severe Erwinia infection was ...
Significant diversity existed among the 37 lines evaluated for traits such as plant stature, cropping cycle, yield contributing characters and productivity index. The discussed pragmatic approach involving exploration and utilization of the existing diversity was not only helpful in addressing the aforesaid...
Conventional propagation through suckers has disadvantages like low multiplication rate (5 to 10 in number depending upon variety), lack of uniform plant...doi:10.1007/978-3-319-78283-6_3Pooja ManchandaManav Inder Singh GillSwati MeghaSatbir Singh Gosal...
(0.398), number of functional leaves at harvesting time (0.402) and shooting time (0.382) and yield attributing characters such as fruits per 2nd hand (0.362), hands per bunch (0.611), fruits per bunch (0.693), fruit weight (0.792), hand weight (0.691), plant crop cycle (0.340) and ...
Cryopreservation approaches have been implemented in gene banks as a strategy to back up plant genetic resource collections that are vegetatively propagated. Different strategies have been employed to effectively cryopreserve plant tissue. There is little information on the cellular processes...
Gudimella, RanganathSingh, PoojaMazumdar, PurabiWong, Gwo RongLau, Su-EeHarikrishna, Jennifer AnnUniv Malaya Ctr Res Biotechnol Agr CEBAR Kuala Lumpur 50603 MalaysiaTropical plant biology
IN VITRO CELLULAR AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY PLANTWaman AA, Pooja B, Sathyanarayana BN (2014a) Not all sugars are sweet for banana multiplication! In vitro multiplication, rooting and acclimatization of banana as influenced by carbon source-con- centration interactions. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Plant...
Though protocols for micropropagation have been standardized for various varieties of banana, their in field trials along with the conventional propagules have seldom been made. This study deals with agronomic, phenological and post harvest attributes of in vitro propagated plantlets of Silk banana var...
single and double bud explants, although shorter plantlets were noticed in the treatment. In vitro root induction parameters were found to be superior when indole butyric acid was used as auxin source. This report could help in improving the multiplication rate of this least attempted group of ...