but for whatever reason the amplified sound quality was atrocious – worse than a fast food drive-through speaker. So I had to change to yet another music board (#7), this one even simpler – apply power, it played the first song on its microSD card, and it had...
Russian separatists in Ukraine riot over an offensive YouTube video showing the toppling of Lenin statues "Free Speech Zones" confuse Obamaphone owners who roam streets in search of additional air minutes Obamacare bolsters employment for professionals with skills to convert meth back into sudafed Gl...
he received a phone call fromAxl Rose, who asked if he "wanted to get together and jam." The guitarist then calledSlash, who confirmed that his name had come up when the band was discussing who they wanted to try playing with.
“Having to ring our manager to bring the guys to the hospital. I just couldn’t tell them over the phone. And when they got down there I had already identified him so that nobody else had to see his smashed-up head," McCoy recalled toClassic Rock. "I told them what the doctor to...
Metal Hammerreported that Mansonhung up the phonewhen it mentioned Wood's name to him in an interview. The musician's teamissued a responsethe next day, maintaining Manson's openness on the issue by pointing tohis past commentson the #MeToo movement and disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstei...
but I am absolutely sure that if you look into the eyes of anyone at all while this song is playing, you will instantly fall in love with them. I mean, seriously. Play this through your phone speakers while you purchase a pack of gum at 7-11 and see what happens between you and th...
As for thatlast show, Slayer played a blistering set that started with “South of Heaven” and concluded with fan favorite “Angel of Death.”“Thank you. Thank you very much," stated Araya at the conclusion of the final song. "I want to thank you for sharing your time with us. Time...
As for thatlast show, Slayer played a blistering set that started with “South of Heaven” and concluded with fan favorite “Angel of Death.”“Thank you. Thank you very much," stated Araya at the conclusion of the final song. "I want to thank you for sharing your time with us. Time...
ing Videosdocumentary. "It was getting down to, I was like squatting in this apartment. I had like one day left and the phone was getting turned off." Fortunately, Reed had met Guns N' Roses in 1985 during their club days and had kept in touch with Rose. "Finally I got ahold of ...
"Instead of an apology, I got a five-second phone call, 'Fuck you Ace, I'm not going to apologize' and hung up. He wasn't even man enough to give me a rebuttal and explain why I'm so upset or anything like that," the guitarist continues. ...