Only true Moon Masters can pass the third level of the Mooninite's video game. EP9The South Bronx Paradise Diet With a case of beer on the line, Meatwad, Shake, and Carl battle to see who can lose the most weight. EP10Dusty Gazongas ...
Wikipedia bone·fish (bōn′fĭsh′)·fish·es Any of several silvery marine fishes of the family Albulidae, especiallyAlbula vulpes,a game fish of warm shallow waters worldwide. [From its many small bones.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth...
I do not know what I ever did to be given not only what I need, but also what I want. Many years ago, I asked God to let me go to Afghanistan. It wasn’t a need, like a roof over my head, food on the table, or sustainable health, but rather an arbitrary desire, like a n...
TThheessee ssiitteess wweerree ppuurrppoosseeffuullllyy sseelleecctteedd bbeeccaauussee ffaarrmmeerrss hheerree ggrroowwbbaannaannaaaanndd//oorr ccoommmmoonn bbeeaann aanndd tthheerree wweerree hhiigghh lleevveellss ooff ddiivveerrssiittyy iinn tthhee ttwwoo ccrrooppss.. Study location ...
NASA says 2024 YR4 now has a minuscule chance of hitting Earth, but the moon isn’t so lucky. 2/24/2025 early and often Angry Voters Keep Confronting Republicans Back Home ByNia Prater Several GOP lawmakers have faced crowds upset over the Trump administration’s massive cuts. ...