The presented review is aimed to provide comprehensive details of banana anthracnose disease management such as pre-storage treatments such as precooling, chemical, and biological treatment for controlling the pathogen, modified atmospheric packaging, use of plant extract, antioxidants, i...
Fields of poor farmers are at greatest risk because they borrow tools and are unable to impose some recommended management practices. After the appearance of BXW in individual farms, the number of banana bunches consumed per family per month decreased significantly from 13.1 to 6.4 with a ...
Inventory of climate smart agriculture banana technologies, innovations & management practices. 2019. Accessed 21 Feb 2023. Kung’u JN, Jeffries P. Races and virulence of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense on ...
Meanwhile, the high potassium content makes it essential for heart health, while carbs enable optimum weight management. This has helped create a positive perception regarding banana-infused food items. Banana bread is a baked good made of ingredients including bananas, butter or oil, flour, eggs,...
Banana flour, with its prebiotic fiber content and aiding properties in weight management, is gaining popularity as a healthy alternative. Organic banana flour is produced using unique farming practices and natural cultivation methods, which further adds to its appeal. Brands are capitalizing on this ...
taxa influence host fitness. Notably, for several of our core taxa, highly similar populations have already been isolated in previous studies and may be amenable to such experimentation. This contribution should help to accelerate the development of effectiveMusaspp. microbiome management practices. ...
In the aftermath, banana farmers significantly changed their management practices to decrease their pesticide use. With the support of research, farmers have tested and adopted various agroecological practices, such as planting cover crops and using vitroplants and fallow. However, the use of animals...
Additional studies should address the microbiome stability over a longer time frame, confirm the stability in other soil types and under different management practices, and investigate the effects in the presence of the disease. This encouraging result, however, also serves to remind us that the ...
Bananas (Musa spp. L.), a member of the Musaceae family are among the edible fruits consumed all around the world due to its nutritional and economic benefits to people [1]. In some places, the desert bananas are distinguished from the cooking bananas known as “Plantains”. However, there...
This liana did not respond well to the management practices we tested in this study. Other alternatives would be required to control them, such as manual detouring of each banana plant, which is a long and fastidious task. Beyond the efficiency of these strategies, the targeted level of ...