Define banality. banality synonyms, banality pronunciation, banality translation, English dictionary definition of banality. n. pl. ba·nal·i·ties 1. The condition or quality of being banal; triviality. 2. Something that is trite, obvious, or predictab
The meaning of BANALITY is something that lacks originality, freshness, or novelty : something banal : commonplace. How to use banality in a sentence.
Combining hyperconventional subjects with his mix-and-match approach to genre, James foregrounds the apparent paucity of meaning in contemporary painting. Merlin James: Sikkema Jenkins & Co Are you planning to blindfold your kids whenever they're in public lest they discover the nonthreatening ...
"anything common or trite;" 1878, "triteness, triviality," from French banalité (17c.),… See origin and meaning of banality.
The article focuses on the aspect of banality and fatality and its meaning in Kenneth Goldsmith's "The Weather." It says that Goldsmith's phenomenology of banality finds itself in honing a person's ability to respond to practices as practices. Meanwhile, it contends that the essay "Banality ...