ST. PAUL, Minn. —As challenges to certain booksare on the rise nationwide, state lawmakers want to close that chapter in Minnesota with a ban on book bans. Aproposalthat advanced out of the House education committee on Wednesday would prohibit public schools and libraries from removing or res...
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook ban Thesaurus Medical Legal Financial Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia ban1 (băn) tr.v.banned,ban·ning,bans 1. a.To prohibit (an action) or forbid the use of (something), especially by official decree:banned smoking in theaters; banned pestici...
Ban Book Banssource: Libraries recognize Banned Books Week to fight censorship | Local News | There were 1,269 attempts to ban or restrict library materials in 2022. source: Book Ban Data | Advocacy, Legislation & Issues (
ban的语气最强,通常指权威机关明文取消或禁止严重危害公众利益的事或行为,隐含道义上的谴责意味。例,There is a ban on smoking in this restaurant.这家餐厅禁止吸烟。
语气最强,一般是权威人士发出严厉的禁止,只能以物作宾语。指合法地或由于社会压力而禁止,含谴责或不赞成的态度。ban sb from (doing) sth 禁止某人做/参与某事 ban sth 禁止某事 如:ban the book(查禁此书)例子:the company absoutely bans smoking within its buildings.公司内部禁止吸烟。
The new guideline bans any use of "COVID-19" or "coronavirus" in titles of entertainment apps. Only apps released by an official entity under the health and information category may release coronavirus related content on the App Store. ...
Share on Facebook banns (redirected fromforbids the banns) Thesaurus banns alsobans(bănz) pl.n. An announcement, especially in a church, of an intended marriage. [Middle Englishbanes, pl. ofban,proclamation, from Old Englishgebannand from Old Frenchban(of Germanic origin; seebhā-inIndo...
The department will also not employ a “book ban coordinator” and dismissed another six allegations of pending book bans. The announcement said the department began an investigation of these allegations on Jan. 20 and found there are no book bans but that schools and parents are working together...
ban的意思是:1、v.明令禁止;取缔;禁止(某人)做某事(或去某处等)2、n.禁令 ban 读法 英 [bæn] 美 [bæn]短语:1、ban ki-moon 潘基文(男子名,韩国前外长,联合国秘书长)2、ban from 禁止 3、lift the ban 解禁;取消禁令 ...
even ban them.一些政府甚至禁止这种广告。3.There is no obama gun ban on the way.然而奥巴马政府根本就没有制定禁枪令。4.No one has bothered to ban a book in decades.也没人会费事把一本书禁个几十年。5.Should we ban plastic bags altogether?我们是否应该彻底取缔塑料袋?