官方告诉PC Gamer,其最近打击作弊的努力已经致使3万个账号禁止游玩《Call of Duty Warzone》这款免费大逃杀游戏。官方最近一直在加大其反作弊的努力,此前在2月份,官方已经ban了三次开挂玩家。 截止到2020年12月,《Call of Duty Warzone》吸引了8500万人游玩,2021年2月官方说自游戏在2020年3月推出以来,他们已经永久...
2. i played sometimes LAN with some friends at my place and that of a friend...and 2 of them have my activation code of the game 3. i bought only the code on ebay (no CD)...everything was written in russian i think 4. nope can it be that guy "sloomo" from saudi-arabia use...
Can you get shadowbanned in Call of Duty? As a regular, non-cheating player,you can get shadowbanned in Call of Duty. Some of the best Modern Warfare playershave been shadowbanned, proving it might happen with casual players. New players with high KD are at the highest risk of being sh...
https://keylol.com/t714164-1-1 4、《Call of Duty: Warzone》累计50万作弊者被ban 随着昨日游戏开发商Raven Software宣布封禁了3万名作弊玩家之后,《使命召唤 战区/战争地带》这款游戏的被封禁账户总数达到50万个。 Raven Software并没有详细说明封禁数字是单平台还是全部平台,也没有说明作弊者做了什么而遭到封...
VALORANT 英雄联盟 游戏 电子竞技 电子竞技 YOUTUBE TWITCH SHROUD 职业选手 国外主播 ban Dr DisRespect 玩家機密发消息 这是一个马来西亚的小游戏媒体公司,也是游戏玩家们的秘密社区,我们分享游戏的最新资讯,攻略,梗概,影片...等等。感謝各位支持~ 为TA充电 ...
Fortunately, for those who were wrongfully banned, there is a system that allows players to appeal aCall of Dutyban. This system is designed for players who actually didn’t deserve the ban, not for those who were undeniably guilty.
《战地5》设计师跑去玩《黑色行动4》,因玩得太强被Ban了 一位来自EA DICE工作室《战地5》(Battlefield V)核心开发设计师 Florian(@DRUNKKZ3),自己本身是个射击游戏迷,当然也很享受近来相当火红的《使命召唤:黑色行动4》( Call of Duty: Black Ops 4)大逃杀。只不过,他因为玩得太强反而被Ban了。
Game Call of Duty 4 Links ID 350548 Appeal Player Data GUID 55cebb79dc0878a4f6b329a0dd079d0a ( MPi ) Alias AzNSexY ( GT ) IP Address 71.129.*.* Violation Data Type PunkBuster Screenshot Violation Caught by PBSS (MULTIHACK) Streaming Source You must be logged into our forums and ...
It may be hard to keep cheaters out of a free-to-play game, but you can't say Raven Software isn't trying. A new pair of tweets the developer announces the banning of over 13,000 more accounts in Call of Duty: Warzone: #Warzone anti-cheat update. New banwave earlier today! More ...
WITHOUT Shadow Ban Official Call of Duty Moder Warfare 2019 l Unused Full AccessThread Status: Not open for further replies.miros666 0 0 0 Offline Joined: 1/6/21 Posts: 13 Likes Received: 0 My Location: View Make Offer You will gain full access to the account, you can change the...