firmwarex1x1c 讨论 查看讨论 最后编辑 Sylvia 11/25/2024 何时使用 当X1/X1C 不联网、无法访问拓竹云服务时,可通过 microSD 卡和离线升级包升级打印机的固件。 需要回退至历史固件版本。 前提条件 X1/X1C 固件版本至少为,才支持离线升级固件功能。如果固件版本低于此版本号,请先将 X1/X1C 联网升级...
printerfirmware-updaterbambulab UpdatedDec 13, 2024 HTML Interface NeoPixels (aka Addressable LED Strip) with Bambu Lab Printers mqttledsreactiveesp32neopixelsbambudlvriserbambulabbambu-labx1c UpdatedJun 27, 2024 C++ A magnet remix of the Bambu Poop Chute by Fantasy3DPrintsShop ...
Any progress on these AppImages...? We (I) am getting farther and father behind! Not been able to move past I also note that there is an X1C Firmware update. Do we need to keep Studio and Hardware in-step? Regards (but getting frustrated with your AppImages packaging), Ma...
Nothing in their latest firmware update is of benefit to the end user and only benefits Bambu, allowing them to gather as much data about their users and potentially prevent YOUR printer form printing an item. This is very clearly the start of limiting what you can do and use on your own...
- X1C -->v01.08.02.00- X1E -->v01.01.02.00- A1 -->v01.03.01.02- A1 Mini -->v01.04.00.00It is possible that Bambu Lab may release a future firmware version which impacts the functions available from the Panda Touch. Bigtreetech will monitor all beta firmware versions and if we find...
【Firmware Update】Please update your Panda Touch firmware to V1.0.6: 【Plug and Play】BTT Panda Touch V1.0 is a 5-inch plug-and-play touchscreen upgrade kit with a similar look and feel of the original X1C touchscreen. All you need is 2 main...
Create issue templates for each repo, and on the issue creation page have buttons to create the appropriate kind of issue for the specific product. (For example, for firmware there should be a separate button for P1P firmware bug and X1C firmware bug. This way all of the correct labels ge...
当打印机不联网、无法访问拓竹云服务时,可通过 microSD 卡和离线升级包升级打印机的固件。 固件升级时请勿断电,请耐心等待 10-20 分钟。 使用方法 X1 系列 包含X1、X1C 和 X1C Combo。 详情请参见此页面。 P1 系列 包含P1P、P1P Combo、P1S 和 P1S Combo。
I recently upgraded my P1P to a P1S using the official upgrade kit sold in the Bambu Store. However, Bambu Studio still sees the printer as a P1P (as expected). This prevents me from using the P1S filament/printing presets which have dif...
Bambu Studio Version Where is the application from? Bambu Lab github releases OS version OXZ Additional system information No response Printer X1C How to reproduce Create a custom filament Select that filament in an AMS slot Act...