X1E固件发布记录 Version OTA (20240716) 【优化】 支持通过 MicroSD 卡更新打印机固件。详细使用方法,请参考:https://wiki.bambulab.com/zh/x1/manual/X1E-firmware-update-from-SD-card 【问题修复】 修复空闲时, 电源风扇会低概率间歇性错误开启的问题。
Bambu Lab X1打印机会持续升级固件,提供给客户更多的功能,当新的固件发布时,可以通过以下说明进行更新 通过OTA进行固件升级 当打印机通过Wi-Fi连接至Internet,打印机会校验服务器是否有新的固件,并通过OTA的方式进行推送,会看到以下弹窗: 点击“是”,会弹出至升级界面,您能看到新固件的发布注意事项,点击升级。
X1越狱!x1plus new custom bambu lab firmware X1可以越狱啦,请看我们和X1Plus团队的精彩访谈! 科技 极客DIY 3D打印 固件越狱 Bambu 《碧蓝航线》七周年庆典正式开幕!立刻前往~ 是搬运还是本人啊? 2024-01-21 14:17 3DPrintingNerd发消息 3D Printing Practical and Fun Models, Inspiring and Educating All!
The core concept of X1Plus is that we build an overlay on top of the Bambu Lab firmware, and replace only the parts that we need in order to launch X1Plus. We are very careful not to redistribute any of Bambu Lab's IP directly; when it's necessary to use or patch Bambu Lab binari...
I recently upgraded my P1P to a P1S using the official upgrade kit sold in the Bambu Store. However, Bambu Studio still sees the printer as a P1P (as expected). This prevents me from using the P1S filament/printing presets which have dif...
How to upgrade firmware on the printer and AMS Edit Tags x1x1cfirmwareupgrade Talk Last edited by Eric 08/05/2024 Firmware upgrades will be published from time to time, to add more features and patches to the software running on the machine. The printer will check if there are any availab...
X1/X1C 和 AMS 固件发布记录 编辑 讨论 查看讨论 最后编辑 Administrator 09/18/2024 新功能 支持通过 microSD 卡更新打印机固件。详细使用方法请参考:通过 microSD 卡升级固件。 AMS 版本 修复AMS无法识别部分新耗材的问题...