Optimize the starting position of the printing wiper tower after material change, the initial print on the wipe tower sometimes had under-extrusion issues, and all layers of wipe tower have the same starting position, increasing the risk of collision. This optimization distributes the initial extrus...
Bambu Studio is also the “paint” program you need to assign color to your prints. The device tab allows you to talk directly to the printer to define the filaments in the AMS, heat up the printer and control the speed. It has a wide range of presets for filament from both Bambu Lab...
G-code generator for 3D printers (Bambu, Prusa, Voron, VzBot, RatRig, Creality, etc.) - OrcaSlicer/bbl/i18n/BambuStudio-Softfever.pot at 81ca7720e963cbbba77435b077af4dedcfea55ef · eltociear/OrcaSlicer
The printer was able to tackle“filament painting” with HueForgewithout having to switch to a super fine nozzle. The P1S auto leveling system gives a perfect first layer, which makes working with .08 thick layers easy with the stock .4mm nozzle. The AMS also lets me “paint” with four...