Bambu Studio 3mf Compatibility Please checkQuick Startfor more information. Toolbar Please learn more about the "Top toolbar" and "Right-click tool" in Bambu Studio Slicer fromBambu Studio Toolbar. Print Settings Setting Guide of Slicing Parameters ...
Bambu Studio has a smart seam selection function, which selects whether to apply scarf seams based on the characteristics of the model. When the overhang of the seam position is too large, and when the angle of the seam position is small enough to conceal the seam, it will not use scarf...
Bambu Lab X1Series 16 Multi Color Risoluzione Lidar 7 μm Accelerazione CoreXY 20 m/s² Doppio sistema di livellamento piano Acquista ora Prologo: Abbiamo odiato la stampa 3D tanto quanto l'abbiamo amata. Abbiamo fissato 5 obiettivi prima di intraprendere questo viaggio 22 mesi fa: ...
The built-in chamber camera enables easy print monitoring on Bambu Studio and Handy, and timelapse video creation. P1S P1P Body Body Build Volume: 256 x 256 x 256 mm³ Chassis: Welded Steel Shell: Enclosed(Plastic & Glass) Build Volume: 256 x 256 x 256 mm³ ...
G-code generator for 3D printers (Bambu, Prusa, Voron, VzBot, RatRig, Creality, etc.) - OrcaSlicer/bbl/i18n/BambuStudio-Softfever.pot at 81ca7720e963cbbba77435b077af4dedcfea55ef · eltociear/OrcaSlicer
"\"Fix Model\" feature is currently only on Windows. Please use a third-party " "tool to repair the model before importing it into Bambu Studio, such as " msgstr "" "Функція “Виправитимодель”наразі доступналишена Windows. Бу...
There could be 2 reasons: A) BambuStudio has a hickup - try to close and restart BS to see if it still behave the same. B) If printing with stock-presets it could be that the line width for perimeters leaves some parts of the object unprintable. The fastest way to identify this is...
Working with PETG on a Bambu X1, this temperature tower is designed for Bambu studio slicer. | Download free 3D printable STL models 35. Precise z height If checked, the accurate Z height will be obtained after slicing the model. For example, We slice a 12.3mm×12.3mm×12.3mm square with a layer height of 0.2mm. The final slicing result will be a multiple ...
bambu-studio / simplify-model 编辑 讨论 最后编辑 Dora Ding 05/28/2024 3D模型通常由三角面片组成,对于一些由大量三角形组成的模型,由于打印机本身的精度限制(如喷嘴直径限制),并不能将模型中非常小的细节打印出来。而且这类模型往往需要很长时间才能完成切片,甚至会因为生成大量短工具路径而拖慢FDM 3D打印机的...