Bambu PLA Silk offers a silk-like and high-glossy that adds a luxury appearance to your prints while retaining PLA's ease of use. Different with other silk filaments, Bambu PLA Silk was toughened and demonstrates greater resistance to breakage when using AMS printing. It's ideal for decoration...
Silk-like Finish with Ultra High Gloss Better Breakage Resistance (Filament) Comes with Basic Reusable Spool Diameter: 1.75mm +/- 0.03mm Cautions for Use AMS & AMS lite Compatible Note: PLA Silk has been discontinued and will not be restocked. ...
商品名称:拓竹(Bambu Lab) PLA Silk丝绸3D打印耗材丝绸外观韧性提升亮光RFID智能识别 含料盘 丝绸金 含料盘 商品编号:69D391E2C58F 品牌:拓竹(Bambu Lab) 上架时间: 商品毛重: 商品产地:中国 更多参数 正品行货 中盛云商向您保证所售商品均为正品行货,中盛云商自营商品开具机打发票或电子发票。 全国联保...
Bambu Lab 拓竹3D打印耗材PLA Silk丝绸外观韧性提升可控光泽RFID智能参数识别1KG线径1.75mm含料盘 97.3元 小值机器人 更新时间:2024-10-31 06:26 低于常卖价 提示: 此爆料发布时间较久,价格可能已过期,已为您查找商品最新信息 或选择 继续查看 优惠爆料原文...
拓竹Bambu Lab 3D打印耗材PLA Basic基础色高韧性易打印环保线材RFID智能参数识别-净重1kg 玉石白10100 含料盘 99元 京东 02-11 00:05 0 -- 拓竹Bambu Lab 3D打印耗材PLA Basic基础色高韧性易打印环保线材RFID智能参数识别-净重1kg 黄色10400 无料盘 59.25元 京东 02-17 16:17 0 -- 彩格 适用拓竹3D打印耗...
拓竹Bambu Lab 3D打印耗材PLA Basic基础色高韧性易打印环保线材RFID智能参数识别-净重1kg 玉石白10100 含料盘 99元 京东 02-11 00:05 0 -- 彩格3d打印耗材PLA+ 1.75mm3.0材料1kg适用拓竹 创想三维打印机耗材PLA高韧性环保材料3D打印笔线材FDM可定制 53.9元(需用券) 天猫精选 02-07 16:50 0 -- 拓竹Bambu...
silk PLA, it's suggested to enable this option. Max bridge length: the max allowed bridging length for overhangs. If an overhang is rectangular, it is regarded as a bridge. A short bridge can be printed well enough without support, because the two ends of the extrusion lines are well ...
Bambu Lab 拓竹 3D打印耗材PLA Silk丝绸双色渐变丝绸质感颜色绚丽流光溢彩可控光泽度1kg线径1.75mm含料盘 降价提醒 本文作者喜欢作者就打赏Ta哟 烟熏的太岁 2893爆料 32粉丝 打赏关注 本文收录在 办公耗材 Bambu Lab/拓竹 办公耗材今日有好价 品类榜商品 ...
Bambu PLA Silk Dual-Color filament is crafted from two individual silk colors seamlessly blended into a single strand. Retaining its silky texture and high-gloss features, this filament transitions between two colors, creating a natural and smooth gradie
Bambu Studio Version Where is the application from? Bambu Lab github releases OS version OXZ Additional system information No response Printer X1C How to reproduce Create a custom filament Select that filament in an AMS slot Act...