Nothing about the Bambu Lab P1P can prepare you fully for what it is or the impact it will have on the 3D print market. This small-sized half-finished-looking machine has arrived to disrupt with quality and speed as yet unseen at this price point. ...
P1SP1P Bambu LabP1P Open frame that opens up possibilities for endless customization. Buy now Made by Bambu Lab Created by You Customize and 3D print the side panels of P1P with your magic touch. Select a Modplate template to print or design your one-of-a-kind side panels. ...
Vergleichen Sie die Funktionen und technischen Daten der Bambu Lab 3D-Drucker und sehen Sie, was die einzelnen Modelle unterscheidet. Bambu Lab X1C, P1P, P1S, A1, A1 mini.
Filtern Sie effektiv Partikel und VOCs, die durch den 3D-Druck entstehen Wir haben einen G3 Vorfilter, einen H12 HEPA-Filter und einen hochwertigen Kokosnussschalen-Aktivkohlefilter kombiniert, um eine optimale Luftfiltration zu gewährleisten. Eine verbesserte Filterung kann übermäßige Ge...
Der Bambu Lab A1 ist ein vollautomatischer Mehrfarbendrucker mit CoreXY-Geschwindigkeit, der den 3D-Druck für Anfänger und Enthusiasten gleichermaßen verbessert.
Die Bambu Lab X1-Serie sind hochmoderne Desktop-3D-Drucker mit CoreXY-Hochgeschwindigkeits- und Mehrfarbenfunktionen, die sowohl für Anfänger als auch für Profis entwickelt wurden.
Bambu Lab P1S Review: A New Standard for 3D Printing Its simple set up and ease of use makes it an excellent first printer for people with a bigger than Ender sized budget. It’s also a no-brainer for creative makers who want colorful prints without the need for paint. ...
Bambu Lab P1S Review: A New Standard for 3D Printing Its simple set up and ease of use makes it an excellent first printer for people with a bigger than Ender sized budget. It’s also a no-brainer for creative makers who want colorful prints without the need for paint. ...
Bambu Lab P1S Review: A New Standard for 3D Printing Its simple set up and ease of use makes it an excellent first printer for people with a bigger than Ender sized budget. It’s also a no-brainer for creative makers who want colorful prints without the need for paint. ...
Bambu Lab P1S Review: A New Standard for 3D Printing Its simple set up and ease of use makes it an excellent first printer for people with a bigger than Ender sized budget. It’s also a no-brainer for creative makers who want colorful prints without the need for paint. ...