Bambu Lab has taken the 3D printing community by storm with the official launch of their latest creation, the A1 Mini. In a surprising move, they’ve embraced the “bed slinger” design, as opposed to their previous models which featured print beds moving in the z-axis. The Bambu Labs A1...
Product name:Hardened Steel Nozzles for Bambu Lab A1/A1 Mini;For use in:A1/A1 Mini 3D Printers;Material:Hardened SteeL;Type:High Precision;Sample:Accept;MOQ:10Pcs;Quality:Excellent;Weight:3g;OEM#:Yes;Delivery Time:1-2 business days;Type:Other;Place of Or
Bamboo Lab A1 mini Heat bed Cable / Heat bed Nozzle Wiper Bambu Lab A1 series 3d printer spare parts $5.99 Min. order: 50 pieces Easy Return Bamboo Lab A1 Z Belt Bambu Lab A1 series 3d printer spare parts 1pc $3.99 Min. order: 50 pieces Easy Return Bamboo Lab Wireless Mouse Component...