The peak areas are normalized to the corresponding background and the value corresponding to the B-Natural sample is then scaled to 1 for easier comparison. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.) The spectra change dramatically for the B-700 and B-1000 samples (for the ...
𝑥𝑖xi represents the independent variable without measurement error (error-out-variables); 𝑦𝑖yi is the dependent variable with measurement error (error-in-variables) (p-dimensional EIV, p≥ m); ∑ is the p∗p-dimensional positive-definite variance–covariance matrix of the error term...
the non-productively binding of cellulase to matrix, as well as the inhibitory effect on the activity of commercial cellulase and β–glucosidase. Evidently, low bioconversion efficiency (around 30% yield for control) was obtained due to the limited accessibility and intact crystal structure of raw...
Figure 3 shows a comparison of the load–deflection curves of the experimental and numerical data for validation. Both load–deflection curves for CB began in the elastic zone, and progressed through strain hardening and softening. The two BUO curves followed a similar trend, as they behaved elas...
Although there was more decrystallization behavior that took place in that work, the significant removal of the surface hemicellulose matrix contributed significantly to the increased SSA as well as the accessibility to cellulase enzymes. Meanwhile, the chemical and morphological structural deconstruction ...
For comparison, the sample was also synthesized by the similar method without tetrabutyl titanate using bamboo powder with the size of 0.125–0.098 mm. The dosage of other reagents and the other conditions are all kept the same. It was designated as P-S0. Finally, all of the as-obtained ...
To improve the interfacial bonding between bamboo fiber (BF) and a polypropylene matrix, the effect of three organic acids on the mechanical properties and interfacial morphology were investigated. The BF/PP composites Citation: Fajardo Cabrera de Lima, L.d.P.; Chamorro Rodríguez, C.D.; Mina ...
Composites combine a fiber and a resin to prepare a matrix with significantly different physical or chemical properties, and PU resin has been used to manufacture lignocellulosic composites. Most previous studies have focused on woody composites, finding that PU and lignocellulosic fibers develop an ...
The behavior of acid treating carbon fiber and the mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of phenolic resin matrix composites. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2017, 17, 3786–3791. [CrossRef] 85. Feng, A.; Wu, G.; Pan, C.; Wang, Y. Synthesis, preparation and mechanical property of ...
Keywords: fiber-matrix composites (FMCs); alkali treated bamboo fiber; mechanical properties; thermal properties 1. Introduction From the 21st century, due to the serious issues of environmental pollution and energy shortages, biomass composites, including natural-fiber-reinforced composites, have received...