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The testing was conducted using an EMIC PC200CS testing machine with a 2000 kN load cell. The same support configuration with a 45 cm free span, as used in the three-point bending test using a Shimadzu AG-Xplus testing machine was employed. The loading was applied at two points, ...
前几天入了一支bamboo fineline 3 cs 610用于记笔记,到的当天就给退了,这支笔用来画画应该还可以。
TThhuuss,, bbaammbboooo fifibbeerrwwaass bbuurrnneedd aass wwaassttee wwiitthhoouuttaannyyppuurprposoeseininthtehfieeflidesldosr ionrdiinvdidivuiadlsuualssedusiteadsiat fiasrealifgirhetelrigaht taesrmaat lal-sscmalael.l-Ssucaglaer.cSaunegaprlcaanntse wplearnetpsrwoceersesepdrdocireescstelyd...
The Sorenson Similarity Index (Cs) was used to measure the similarity between MBF and BCF based on the presence and absence of OTUs. The index was calculated as: Cs=2C/(A + B), where A and B are the number of OTUs in MBF and BCF, respectively, and C is the number of OTUs ...