To pay online customers should visit Customers can either enter the account number found on the monthly bill or the service address of the property incurring the bill. This leads to a screen that provides the water bill detail. A button midway down...
Baltimore City Circuit Court Clerk Conaway Moves Ahead on Water- Bill Payment LawsuitMoszkowicz, Beth
City Council calls on DPW to reimburse households with sewage backups EnvironmentJan 11, 2025 To advocates for migrating birds, Baltimore Convention Center is the “alcove of death” CommentaryJan 10, 2025 Old habits die hard in Baltimore County: Klausmeier chosen via secret vote at closed meetin...
Under the current system, the city provides water and wastewater services to 1.8 million residents in the region, covering all of Baltimore City, large parts of Baltimore County, and portions of Anne Arundel, Carroll, Howard and Harford counties. The city is responsible for the...
BALTIMORE -- Baltimore City Hall and two other municipal buildings reopened after mitigation efforts were carried out to treat elevated levels of legionella bacteria discovered in the water system, according to city officials. The City Hall building, Abel Wolman Municipal building and Benton building ...
Water levels reached 4.2 feet, about a foot less than Annapolis saw in January, but it was still enough to cause a major headache for those who live and work in the city, along with businesses. "It's kind of a regular thing for locals here most photographers love it, but for busines...
Baltimore City and County residents will pay more for water beginning in July Apr 9, 2024 Nick Mosby pays his water bills after Brew story documents his delinquency Apr 3, 2024 Spending board backs the Recovery Office, terminates ARPA grant to the Pride Center ...
Emergency responders were searching for at least seven people who were believed to be in the water, Baltimore City Fire Department Chief James Wallace said during a news conference Tuesday morning. Two people were rescued from th...
It was a move criticized by Baltimore City Council member Yitzy Schleifer. "What we see oftentimes is that it ends up getting blown into the water, the creeks, the gutters, so there's been a lot of pollution caused by this every other week collection," Schleifer said. ...