Molly Finch54th URISA annual conference for GIS professionals, vol. 1: 54th URISA (Urban and Regional Information Systems Association) annual conference for GIS professionals (GIS-Pro 2016), 31 October - 3 November 2016, Toronto, Canada
Grothe P, Taylor LA, Eakins BW, Warnken RR, Carignan KS, Lim E, Caldwell RJ, Friday DZ (2010) Digital elevation model of Ocean City, Maryland: procedures, data sources, and analysis. NOAA Tech. Memo. NESDIS NGDC-37, Dept. of Commerce, Boulder Hagen SC, Bacopoulos P (2012) Synthetic ...
Thus, this study attempts to move toward new ways of analysing crime data gathered pre- and post-implementation of cameras in a given target area. To conduct this research, the investigation utilizes a combination of existing and new geographical information systems (GIS) spatial...
Grothe P, Taylor LA, Eakins BW, Warnken RR, Carignan KS, Lim E, Caldwell RJ, Friday DZ (2010) Digital elevation model of Ocean City, Maryland: procedures, data sources, and analysis. NOAA Tech. Memo. NESDIS NGDC-37, Dept. of Commerce, Boulder Hagen SC, Bacopoulos P (2012) Synthetic ...
Heavy Metals in Urban Soils: A Case Study from the City of Palermo (Sicily), Italy. Sci. Total Environ. 2002, 300, 229–243. [CrossRef] 34. Zhang, C. Using Multivariate Analyses and GIS to Identify Pollutants and their Spatial Patterns in Urban Soils in Galway, Ireland. Environ. ...