Alcohol remains a more pressing issue for Ocean City law enforcement, as there were more than 30 DUI arrests in July compared to one marijuana citation during the same period. As with the rest of the state, it remains to be seen whether opening recreational dispensaries will bring any negative...
There was always a feeling of being watched in the basement,On one occasion my brother and i both saw a soldier standing in the closet as soon as we turned the light on it was gone,Footsteps could be heard walking up and down the steps in the middle of the night the list go…View ...
At the time all police agencies belonged to an organization known as the Narcotics Intelligence Network (NIN). Any law enforcement agency conducting an investigation of a drug trafficker must first run the suspect’s name through a computer search to find out if anyone else has an ongoing invest...
“We had mice and rats in the house. The water kept leaking. The water was brown,” Taylor said, noting that she called code enforcement on the landlord twice. Even though the landlord owned scores of properties, her apartment didn’t come under the inspection and licensing require...
but it’s clear that the constables and watchmen during this period were not organized for the purpose of striking a balance between the interests of the working class hack driver and the interests of the upper-middle class or wealthy hackney cab passengers. More often, law enforcement was tas...
#003.102 Minimum Necessary Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information #003.105 Uses and Disclosures for Involvement in the Individual’s Care and Notification Purposes #003.114 Uses and Disclosures of Protected Health Information for Law Enforcement Purposes * HIPAA Privacy Menu Next Back The Priv...
View list Trending Now 2080 Owl Creek Road/ Lucasville / Ohio / United States This property was listed in the DEA National Clandestine Laboratory Registry. Law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dump...
(WNV), was most abundant in Baltimore, which also had more tire habitats. BothCulexandAedespupae were more likely to be sampled in neighborhoods categorized as being below median income level in each city andAedespupae density was also greater in container habitats found in these lower income ...