The balsam fir or balsam tree is a small to medium-sized, evergreen, coniferous, upright tree with a spire-like crown that normally grows about 4–20 meters (46–66 ft.) tall, occasionally reaching a height of 27 meters (89 ft.). The plant is found growing in mountain slopes, glaciat...
This resin often carries medicinal or therapeutic properties. 15 "Balsa" wood, due to its light weight, has been utilized extensively in industries requiring lightweight materials. Think of model airplanes or even some life rafts; "Balsa" is often the wood of choice. "Balsam", on the other ...
Fir balsam is actually used a lot to flavor foods and drinks. I know of a brewery in Canada which uses fir balsam in their beer. When I was in Europe, I also tasted ice cream which was flavored with balsam sap and it was very different and delicious. I was told that they only use...