But, if you want your party to POP this 4th of July Flag Balloon Dart Game is just what you need to make your 4th of July celebration memorable! 4th of July Dart Game This is an easy project, but you do need to have a little bit of patience and time to complete it. When I drea...
The next part of thisballoon dart paintingis sooooo much fun! Children will stand on a stool or ladder and one by one they will drop the balloon on the poster board or canvas. It makes such a fun splatter paint effect! Paint water balloons ...
For this activity you are gonig to make a large dart board with chalk on your drive way, on a poster board with sharpies, or with spray paint on your lawn – you decide. You will make the inner circle worth 50 points. Next right is worth 40, then 30, 20, and 10. Have children...
2. Balloon darts via Landee See, Landee Do –The classic carnival dart-and-balloon game, but DIY! “Made by putting the tied end of an inflated balloon through peg board and taping it on the back to keep it in place. The kids then threw darts in an attempt to pop two balloons to ...