Ballistic missile defense is a defensive capability to defend populations and territories against ballistic missile attacks, typically from rogue nations or terrorist organizations. Extensive systems have been established by NATO for the early warning detection and identification of potentially destructive long...
non-lethal ballistic missile with light marking the impact zoneProjectile luminescent marker of the impact area, consisting of a hollow cylindrical body (1), which includes one or more suitable inertial masses (2) to move at the time of acceleration, positive or negative, which implies a ...
The natural inquisitiveness and vulnerability of early life predispose children to penetrating injury; varying in severity from a minor laceration or foreign body penetration to life-threatening impalement, stab wound, or missile injury. Ballistic injuri
The shape of the projectile seems to determine the effect of a ballistic impact and failure mechanism. In this study, the numerical analysis of ballistic impact with different projectile shapes, i.e ., ogive, blunt, conical, and hemispherical is performe
as well. A non-SSBN variant of the mothership might be able to discreetly move close to or even inside a target area and then use the drone submarines to carry out tasks ranging from intelligence-gatheringto non-kineticand kinetic attacks. Surrogat-Vs, or other smaller UUVs, could help sc...
Originally developed at Johns Hopkins university for use in flyer plate impact experiments, the measurement system has been enhanced for the continuous, non-contact measurement of projectile displacement during ballistic impact events. A sheet of laser light is progressively blocked and unblocked by the...
The ABM debate of the late l960s ultimately terminated on a note of non-acceptance, largely due to technical deficiencies and domestic political resistance. Furthermore, it was not clear that competing with the Soviet Union in this highly expensive arena would necessarily lead to a position of ...
The tracking of a ballistic missile in its re entry phase is a big defense challenge. The re entry vehicle leaves a quiet exo - atmospheric phase and a quasi - Keplerian motion to an endo - atmospheric phase with large aerodynamic loads and a sudden deceleration. The motion is then non ...
Tracking a ballistic missile in its reentry phase is one of the missile defence challenges as these reentry vehicles penetrate with large aerodynamic loads and sudden decelerations from exoatmospheric to endoatmospheric phase. With the advent of anti-ballistic missiles, the main goal of missile ...
Council Decision 2012/423/CFSP of 23July 2012 in support of ballistic missile non-proliferation in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and of the Council Common Position 2003/805/CFSP...