The Ballad of Narayama(1958) Katsuyuki Hattori Tatsuhei's son The Snow Flurry(1959) Heiji Yoshida Kuchijo actor The Ballad of Narayama(1958) MOVIEmeter Members only Become a member to access additional data Try IMDbPro Premium for free
The Ballad of Narayama This haunting, kabuki-inflected version of a Japanese folk legend is set in a remote mountain village where food is scarce and tradition dictates that citizens who have reached their seventieth year must be carried to the summit of Mount Narayama and left there to die. ...
《楢山节考》 (The Ballad of Narayama) 4K修复版将于8月30日香港上映,港版中字预告曝光, 今村昌平拷问人性的一代名作,1983戛纳金棕榈得主。
超时空来电来访者 神秘来电 The Caller 楢山节考楢山节考 Ballad of Narayama 印度猛男粉红男郎 印度美男 Desi Bo…|基于14个网页 3. 楢山节栲 40部个人认为值... ... 10铁皮鼓 The Tin Drum 11楢山节栲 Ballad Of Narayama 12基督最后的诱惑 The Lost Temptation Of Chris...
又 名楢山节考 Ballad of Narayama 编剧Shichir...木下惠介 主 演田中绢代高桥贞二望月优子Danko IchikawaKeiko Ogasawara 剧情 在一个小山村中,69岁的阿铃与丈夫死别后,和新丧妻的儿子辰平以及孙儿们住在一起,她一直在为儿子寻找续弦。村中有个习俗,凡是到了70岁的老人必须去参拜楢山,所谓的参拜,其实就是...
必应词典为您提供THE-BALLAD-OF-NARAYAMA的释义,网络释义: 楢山节考;楢山节孝;山遒考;
1958年的片子,彩色,从蓝光碟机放出来,清晰度竟然很高。 一开场便是类似中国说书的日本净琉璃解说,随这叙述出现故事画面,以舞台剧的方式呈现。 先介绍故事。未交代时代背景,约等于说很久很久以前,在日本古信州某原始山村,由于食物匮乏,老人一到七十岁便要按照传统,上到楢山见山神。
The film’s final section is a prolonged journey to Narayama. Tatsuhei is strong enough to carry his mother up some very rugged terrain that is both gorgeous and forbidding. The abandonment site turns out to be completely out of the normal, at least out of the kind of normal you’re use...
The Ballad of Narayama (1983)Spoiler Alert ! Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film. This masterpiece by the great Japanese director Shohei Imamura is a tale of a poor primitive Japanese villiage that kills ...